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Teresa davis 

Teresa Davis- Wrong Shoes Under The Bed(Short Film)

It all begins as Tara Raffertyis living the good life: she's a successful Dublin lawyer engaged to a fellow solicitor. But Tara's life is turned upside down after she discovers her boyfriend in bed with a colleague. Abandoning her wedding plans (and her job), Tara strikes out on her own, starting an unconventional private practice. 

A Story of a dark secret revealed before a marriage. Shot by kang & Davis and TD Productions. Written and directed by Teresa Davis. Watch in 1080p, Watch,like,and share. Thanks for viewing. Additional B-role By Maf Higgins. Be Sure To Watch The Perkaset Trailer Also By Kang/Davis

The Running

The Ring 


The Judgement Day


Author's mission

 .TD production a movie company that shots raw the reality of life in baltimore ,bing the best in footage to the level that makes you take look at what you are doing ,(LIFE THAT IS ) they producer /artist tell short film about the street ,and the ways we all must survive and deal with this.Now taking on a bigger project the movie (Perkiaset) realty just took a turn.

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