.GCF is established as a Namibian charitable and funding institution of a public character, with the objective to raise awareness for, provide support to and secure a future for giraffe and conserve their habitat in Africa, and more specifically to:
support the conservation of viable and existing habitat for giraffe; identify key threats to giraffe in Africa and develop innovative ways to mitigate the raiser awareness for and promote the value of giraffe conservation and internationally in African Range States plan, develop, implement and administer projects and programmers, including the appointment of project staff, .support of its primary aim, and in co-operation with local communities and partner institutions as appropriate;collaborate with local, national and international partners on giraffe conservation efforts in the interests of giraffe conservation in African Range States;raise funds for giraffe conservation and management across Africa; and maintain a close working relationship with the IUCN SSC Giraffe and Okapi Specialist Group (GOSG) provide to comprehensive awareness and technical support